It’s about the destination

Sport and performance psychology

Performance Enhancement

In sport, there are four main areas of focus to achieve optimal performance. The four areas are the Physical, the Technical, the Tactical and the Mental requirements of your chosen sport. The least focused on of these is ‘Mental’. Performance enhancement is aimed at identifying and introducing the tools and building blocks athletes need for optimal performances, and incorporating it into their daily lives. These tools may include but are not limited to focus, concentration, management of emotions, dealing with pressure, self-talk, motivation, imagery and acceptance to stay in the moment.

Performance Dysfunction

As human beings, we are influenced by a variety of factors both in and out of our chosen sport. Performance dysfunction takes a holistic look at the athlete that may have certain barriers preventing them from performing optimally. External life events as well as internal psychological barriers are closely assessed and identified. Although performance enhancement for all athletes is the aim, sport counselling interventions in performance dysfunction would first need to be addressed before performance enhancement strategies can be effective.

Performance Impairment

Performance impairment is categorised as athletes that experience clinical difficulties which impact on their chosen sport and life. These clinical disorders may include but are not limited to depression, anxiety and stress disorders, anger and/or impulse control, eating disorders and drug and/or alcohol use disorders. Therapeutic intervention is the primary focus in performance impairment to make lasting change in an athlete’s sport and especially their lives.

Performance Termination

All good things must come to an end. But fulfilment can come from many areas of one’s life. Performance termination is characterised by an athlete that is retiring from sport, or their careers end abruptly due to a serious injury. Let us help you through this time in your life by helping you come to terms with the effects of performance termination and supporting you on your future journey.

“Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind.”

—Arnold Palmer

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