

FocusBand Sessions


It all begins with focus.

FocusBand trains your brain to achieve optimal performance by teaching you how to access your flow state more frequently.

The FocusBand device and app provide real time neurofeedback using audible and visual cues, while you're in motion.

Visualise it

Visualisation and Imagery form an integral part of any golfers arsenal to achieve a state of clarity and specificity towards their target. The FocusBand aids in the development of specific focus points in one’s routine and allows athletes to enhance their “in the moment” focus to achieve desired performance results.

Improved Performance

Through assessment and training with the FocusBand we will aim at providing clarity and consistency in your game. We have found that this approach to mental training has led to marked improvement in performance as well as overall enjoyment of your sport. There is no substitute to performing in the present moment. Let us assist you in doing so..


Let us explain

View this video to gain more insight on the FocusBand Sessions.

FocusBand Sessions For Your Child

Learn How FocusBand Can Help Your Child

Click to watch this explainer video of how FocusBand can help benefit your child.

How FocusBand Helps

  • Increased Self Belief

    Breakthrough your self-doubt and inner criticism by seeing real time, tangible changes in your performance.

  • Deep Clarity

    Learn how to reach your optimal state of consciousness that allows you to tap into your laser focused mental state.

  • Genius Zone

    Access your unique creative zone by becoming fully immersed in the activity that you're doing.

Live feedback & recorded footage

Record your session to look back on for future reference.

  • "Flow state is defined as an optimal state of consciousness, a state where you feel your best and perform your best. More specifically, the term refers to those moments of rapt attention and total absorption, when you get so focused on the task at hand that everything else disappears. It’s when awareness and action merge"

    Steven Kotler